Off The Wall

Wally Torres

My wife and I were in the garage the other night looking for something when we heard a high-pitched and very distressed meow from what was obviously a kitten. Either that or a very distressed adult cat with a high-pitched voice. No, this was definitely a kitten. So we start tearing the garage apart to try and find the kitty …

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The Preference

The Republican Presidential “Preference” election is over and my first thought was what a waste of time and money. That is until I saw the election results. There were no less than 23 candidates on the ballot, including the usual suspects like Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Even the crazed Texan Rick Perry was on the …

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900 Trillion Dollars

Off The Wall #11 I read a bit on the web today about a lady in Staten Island who is suing New York City for—get this–$900 trillion dollars. You can’t even say nine hundred trillion dollars without placing your pinky finger in the corner of your mouth like Doctor Evil. Even Doctor Evil in all his evilness only asked for …

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Off The Wall #10

Oh, Turkey Leg I love the holiday season (which for me starts with Halloween), but I’ve just about had it with the Christmas music and it’s only November 28th. Radio stations all over the country started playing Christmas music on Thanksgiving Day. I’m listening to a classic rock station on Thanksgiving Day and they played “Highway to Hell” and “American …

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